Sneakers are more than a lifestyle. They’ve become a culture—one of consumption that is currently defining our generation. Whether it’s rowing into a pair of custom Jordans on arranging our Instagram feed or watching current fashion icons promoting the latest sneakers launched.
we the consumer are going more into sneakers following the trend and famous personalities and joining them into our daily life for fashion as well as life style.
Few online pubs are serving as the go-to platforms for avid sneakerheads, funnelling everything sneaker-related that’s being shared across cyberspace. Drop dates, exclusive releases, leaked images, official announcements, price markdowns—it’s all being accounted for.
But only a select few are doing the culture right thanks to dope articles, great social engagement, and most importantly, daily reporting.
Few sneakers sites and their blog are as follows:-
The Australian independent magazine has become a staple for sneaker news predating back to its 2002 print launch. Adapting with the times, the publication’s done an incredible job converting magazine content to the web backed by phenomenal in-house photography and a wide range of features. Sneakerheads know the site best for its exclusivity, as it’s been known to be the first to release images of Ronnie Fieg sneakers while putting out its own collaborations with major brands such as New Balance. The credibility of sneaker cultivist and Editor-in-chief Simon Wood (aka Woody) only adds to its officialness and title as one of the best sneaker blogs.